With my mortal understanding, I can't quite comprehend the purpose(s) behind same-sex attraction. However, I know that there is a reason that God has permitted these attractions to occur. I also know that through tribulation comes growth and other blessings. I believe the harder the trial, the more glorious the triumph. I can only imagine the eternal rewards for obeying the sacred law of chastity!
The thoughts of a temple-worthy returned missionary who experiences same-sex attraction.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
D&C 58:2-4
"For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments...and he that is faithful in tribulation...Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation. For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory: the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand."
With my mortal understanding, I can't quite comprehend the purpose(s) behind same-sex attraction. However, I know that there is a reason that God has permitted these attractions to occur. I also know that through tribulation comes growth and other blessings. I believe the harder the trial, the more glorious the triumph. I can only imagine the eternal rewards for obeying the sacred law of chastity!
With my mortal understanding, I can't quite comprehend the purpose(s) behind same-sex attraction. However, I know that there is a reason that God has permitted these attractions to occur. I also know that through tribulation comes growth and other blessings. I believe the harder the trial, the more glorious the triumph. I can only imagine the eternal rewards for obeying the sacred law of chastity!
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